Tuesday, February 28, 2012


We met with the surgeon yesterday and went over the pathology report and surgery notes.
They removed more than we first thought. Along with 12 inches of small intestine, they also took 6 lymph nodes around the tumor. The pathology reported they were all neuroendocrin carcinoma. It also showed additional cells in the area around the small bowel. That was a surprise to us...The surgeon said that it would be too extensive to try to get all of it. Nevertheless, we accomplished our goal of getting rid of the bad symptoms that Judy had been experiencing.

Recovery has been quick and encouraging...Judy has already gone back to work. Who wudda thought it? We will meet again with our Oncologist next week to go over all this and adjust the medication, if necessary. We both feel a renewed excitement going forward, ready to see what marvelous blessings God has in store for us.

Again we never want to fail to thank all of you for your prayer support. Will report again when anything new comes up.


  1. Ronnie, I'm so thankful that Judy has such a wonderful husband as you. I know that you, most assuredly, don't want to hear it, but it is true. I know that she, also, must have truly been your complete support and the force of strength that God gave to you throughout all these years. You both have, so, much for which to be thankful, and it is wonderful to know that you do give Him all the thanks and the glory. God has, truly, used you both as His witnesses.

    I believe that you epitomize this verse.

    Eph 5:25 Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it;

    My love and continued prayers to you both.

    Wanda Elrod Crowder

  2. Wanda...you humble me. I'm not nearly as great as you think!!! But, we cherish your prayers and support through our journey.


  3. Just want you to know that God nudges me to read your blog now and then so that we know better how to pray. We love you both. We are blessed by the way you let God use you through this experience. We continue to pray. Jo Ann and Richard

  4. Great to hear from you and thanks for your prayers,

    Ronnie and Judy
